//! # Global Signals
//! Global Signals behave like Signals but you declare them statitically and you don't need to pass them through props or context as you can just import it.
//! Main use case is for apps, not libraries.
//! ### Example
//! ```rust
//! # use freya::prelude::*;
//! static COUNT: GlobalSignal<usize> = Signal::global(|| 0);
//! fn app() -> Element {
//! let onclick = move |_| {
//! *COUNT.write() += 1; // Modify the global signal, as if it was a normal signal
//! };
//! rsx!(
//! label {
//! onclick,
//! "{COUNT}" // Read the global signal
//! }
//! SomeOtherComp {}
//! )
//! }
//! #[component]
//! fn SomeOtherComp() -> Element {
//! rsx!(
//! label {
//! "{COUNT}" // We can use the global signal here again
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! ```